
All notable changes to the Raspberry Pi system images will be documented in here. This is a collection of the changes to the AstroPlant core software and changes to the operating system we provide.

[1.0.0b8.1] - 2022-09-09

This release fixes a regression introduced in 1.0.0b8.

AstroPlant Software


Upgrade from version 1.0.0b7 to 1.0.0b8. Its changelog is:

## [1.0.0b8] - 2022-09-09

### Fix

- DHT22: wait for measurement (regression introduced in 1.0.0b7)

[1.0.0b8] - 2022-09-09

This release focuses on increasing the stability of the kit. Errors when communicating with peripherals are handled better.


  • Upgrade operating system to Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye

  • Move to libcamera-based camera stack

  • Fix hotspot image to include a default country code when setting up WiFi. This currently defaults to NL, which should be fine in most of Europe, but radio frequency regulations in your country may require you to manually set the correct country code in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

AstroPlant Software

Kit core

Upgrade from version 1.0.0b7 to 1.0.0b8. Its changelog is:

## [1.0.0b8] - 2022-09-07

### Added

- Set up and clean up peripherals explicitly
- Added peripheral device error handling

### Fixed

- Fix usage of deprecated `trio` functions
- Don't accidentally catch all exceptions in RPC handler

### Changed

- Improve some log messages

### Internal changes

- Bump `pycapnproto`
- Bump `trio`
- Simplify and improve typing of some code


Upgrade from version 1.0.0b5 to 1.0.0b7. Its changelog is:

## [1.0.0b7] - 2022-09-08

### Changed

- Target Raspbian OS Bullseye
- As Bullseye is now targeted, move from legacy camera stack to libcamera using picamera2

### Fix

- LCD: improve exception handling

### Added

- This changelog

## [1.0.0b6] - 2022-09-07

### Added

- Add set up and clean up handlers for most peripherals
- Explicitly re-raise some expected exceptions as `PeripheralException`

### Fixed

- Fix pigpio resource leak for peripherals using duty cycles and I2C
- Let MH-Z19 CO2 sensor actually use the `serialFile` configuration option

### Changed

- Simplify some threading behavior
- Move some blocking I/O to dedicated threads

Last updated