Project Structure

We decided to keep the whole platform in a single repository as many of the change to the front-end also affects the back-end. It makes it easier to follow versioning and progression, and to rollback if necessary.

Here is the current repository structure :

│   .storybook  # storybook configuration files
│   api         # the strapi project
│   components  # the react components
|   |
|   └───  cards
|   └───  forms
|   └───  grids
|   └───  inputs
|   └───  layouts
|   └───  stories   # storybook stories
|   └───  ...       # rest of the componenents
│   hocs        # higher order components
│   pages       # next.js pages
|   providers   # providers and context definitions
|   public      # public assets for the next.js front-end
|   services    # tools to access APIs
|   styles      # styling related files
|   utils       # helper function and hooks

Last updated